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Amy Oldenburg's Publication List

Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.

Peer-Reviewed Articles
  1. L. Yang, P. Ji, A. A. M. Buzetta, H. Li, M. R. Lockett, H. Zhou, and A. L. Oldenburg. "Longitudinal tracking of perfluorooctanoic acid exposure on mammary epithelial cell spheroids by dynamic optical coherence tomography." Biomedical Optics Express, 15, 5115-5127 (2024). Supplementary Document Supplementary Video

  2. A. L. Oldenburg, P. Ji, X. Yu and L. Yang. "Compressed intracellular motility via non-uniform temporal sampling in dynamic optical coherence tomography." Journal of Biomedical Optics, 29(7), 076002-1-12 (2024). Supplementary Document Supplementary Video

  3. K. J. Oeler, R. L. Blackmon, S. M. Kreda, T. Robinson, M. Ghelardini, B. S. Chapman, J. Tracy, D. B. Hill and A. L. Oldenburg. "In situ pulmonary mucus hydration assay using rotational and translational diffusion of gold nanorods with polarization-senstivie optical coherence tomography." Journal of Biomedical Optics, 29(4), 046004-1-13 (2024). Supplementary Document

  4. M. H. Rizvi, R. Wang, J. Schubert, W. D. Crumpler, C. Rossner, A. L. Oldenburg, A. Fery, and J. B. Tracy. "Magnetic alignment for plasmonic control of gold nanorods coated with iron oxide nanoparticles." Advanced Materials, 2203366-1-14 (2022). Supplementary Document Movie 1 Movie 2 Movie 3 Movie 4 Movie 5 Movie 6 Movie 7 Movie 8 Movie 9

  5. B. E. Levy and A. L. Oldenburg. "Elastometry of clot phantoms via magnetomotive ultrasound-based resonant acoustic spectroscopy." Physics in Medicine & Biology, 67(15), 155010-1-10 (2022). Supplementary Document

  6. C.M. Waters, W. H. Stepp, J. Conduff, S. Balakrishnan, R. Bu, A. L. Oldenburg, J. S. Kimbell, W. W. Shockley, and J. M. Clark. "Anatomic optical coherence tomography (aOCT) for evaluation of the internal nasal valve." The Laryngoscope, 00, 1-9 (2021).

  7. K. J. Oeler, D. B. Hill, and A. L. Oldenburg. "OCT particle tracking velocimetry of biofluids in a micro-parallel plate strain induction chamber." Journal of Biomedical Optics, 26(9), 096005 (2021).

  8. S. Balakrishnan and A. L. Oldenburg. "All-fiber probes for endoscopic optical coherence tomography of the large airways." Applied Optics, 60(22), 6385-6392 (2021). Supplementary Data

  9. B. E. Levy and A. L. Oldenburg. "Single magnetic particle motion in magnetomotive ultrasound: An analytical model and experimental validation." IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control (TUFFC), 68(8), 2635-2644 (2021).

  10. P. R. Yadav, M. H. Rizvi, B. Kuttich, S. R. Mishra, B. S. Chapman, B. B. Lynch, T. Kraus, A. L. Oldenburg and J. B. Tracy. "Plasmon-coupled gold nanoparticles in stretched shape-memory polymers for mechanical/thermal sensing." ACS Applied Nano Materials, 4(4), 3911-3921 (2021).

  11. A. Fuller, L. Yang, A. M. Hamilton, J. R. Pirone, A. L. Oldenburg, and M. A. Troester. "Epithelial p53 status modifies stromal-epithelial interactions during basal-like breast carcinogenesis." Journal of Mammary Gland Biology and Neoplasia, 26, 89-99 (2021). Supplement 1 Supplement 2

  12. R. Bu, S. Balakrishnan, N. Iftimia, H. Price, C. Zdanski, S. Mitran and A. L. Oldenburg. "Sensing inhalation injury-associated changes in airway wall compliance by anatomic optical coherence elastography." IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 68(8), 2360-2367 (2021).

  13. J. C. McIntosh, L. Yang, T. Wang, H. Zhou, M. R. Lockett and A. L. Oldenburg. "Tracking the invasion of breast cancer cells in paper-based 3D cultures by OCT motility analysis." Biomedical Optics Express 11(6), 3181-3194 (2020). Video 1, Video 2, Video 3.

  14. S. Balakrishnan, R. Bu, C. M. Waters, B. M. Brandon, J. S. Kimbell, W. Stepp, W. W. Shockley, M. J. Clark and A. L. Oldenburg. "Utility of endoscopic anatomical optical coherence tomography in functional rhinoplasty." Journal of Biomedical Optics 25(1), 016001 (2020).

  15. L. Yang, X. Yu, A. Fuller, M. A. Troester and A. L. Oldenburg. "Characterizing optical coherence tomography speckle fluctuation spectra of mammary organoids during suppression of intracellular motility." Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery 10(1), 76-85 (2020).

  16. D. Thapa, B. Levy, D. L. Marks and A. L. Oldenburg. "Inversion of displacement fiels to quantify the magnetic particle distribution in homogeneous elastic media from magnetomotive ultrasound." Physics in Medicine and Biology 64(12), 125019 (2019).

  17. R. Bu, S. Balakrishnan, H. Price, C. Zdanski, S. Mitran and A. L. Oldenburg. "Localized compliance measurement of the airway wall using anatomic optical coherence elastography." Optics Express 27(12), 16751-16766 (2019). Video 1

  18. H. B. Price, J. S. Kimbell, R. Bu and A. L. Oldenburg. "Geometric validation of continuous, finely-sampled 3D reconstructions from aOCT and CT in upper airway models." IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 38(4), 1005-1015 (2019).

  19. S. Balakrishnan, R. Bu, N. Iftimia, H. Price, C. Zdanski, and A. L. Oldenburg. "Combined anatomical optical coherence tomography and intraluminal pressure reveal viscoelasticity of the in vivo airway." Journal of Biomedical Optics Letters 23(10), 100501 (2018). Video 1

  20. B. E. Levy, M. M. Hossain, J. M. Sierchio, D. Thapa, C. M. Gallippi, and A. L. Oldenburg. "Effect of model thrombus volume and elastic modulus on magnetomotive ultrasound signals under pulsatile flow." IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control (TUFFC) 65(8), 1380-1388 (2018). Supplementary Data

  21. M. M. Hossain, B. E. Levy, D. Thapa, A. L. Oldenburg and C. M. Gallippi. "Blind source separation based motion detector for imaging super-paramagnetic iron oxide (SPIO) particles in magnetomotive ultrasound imaging." IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 37(10), 2356-2366 (2018).

  22. D. L. Marks, R. L. Blackmon and A. L. Oldenburg. "Diffusion tensor optical coherence tomography." Physics in Medicine and Biology, 63(2):025007 (2018).

  23. X. Yu, A. M. Fuller, R. Blackmon, M. A. Troester and A. L. Oldenburg. "Quantification of the effect of toxicants on the intracellular kinetic energy and cross-sectional area of mammary epithelial organoids by OCT fluctuation spectroscopy." Toxicological Sciences, 162(1):234-240 (2018). Supplementary Figures, Supplementary Data, Video 2, Video 3, Video 4, Video 5

  24. R. L. Blackmon, S. M. Kreda, P. R. Sears, B. S. Chapman, D. B. Hill, J. B. Tracy, L. E. Ostrowski and A. L. Oldenburg. "Direct monitoring of pulmonary disease treatment biomarkers using plasmonic gold nanorods with diffusion-sensitive OCT." Nanoscale, 9:4907-4917 (2017). Supplementary File, Video 1, Video 2, Video 3.

  25. R. Bu, S. Balakrishnan, N. Iftimia, H. Price, C. Zdanski and A. L. Oldenburg. "Airway compliance measured by anatomic optical coherence tomography." Biomedical Optics Express, 8(4):2195-2209 (2017).

  26. J. Barrick, A. Doblas, M. R. Gardner, P. R. Sears, L. E. Ostrowski and A. L. Oldenburg. "High-speed and high-sensitivity parallel spectral-domain optical coherence tomography using a supercontinuum light source." Optics Letters, 41(24):5620-5623 (2016).

  27. R. L. Blackmon, R. Sandhu, B. S. Chapman, P. Casbas-Hernandez, J. B. Tracy, M. A. Troester and A. L. Oldenburg. "Imaging extracellular matrix remodeling in vitro by diffusion-sensitive optical coherence tomography." Biophysical Journal, 110(8):1858-1868 (2016).

  28. A. B. Vasconcellos, A. Delgado, R. Hirata, R. Blackmon, E. J. Swift, H. O. Heymann, A. L. Oldenburg and A. V. Ritter. "Effect of finishing technique on the occurrence and length of microcracks in resin-based materials: an optical coherence tomography assessment." American Journal of Dentistry, 29(5):294-300 (2016).

  29. D. I. Speiser, Y. L. Gagnon, R. K. Chhetri, A. L. Oldenburg and S. Johnsen. "Examining the effects of chromatic aberration, object distance, and eye shape on image-formation in the mirror-based eyes of the bay scallop Argopecten irradians." Integrative and Comparative Biology, 56(5):796-808 (2016). Supplementary Video.

  30. (Invited) A. L. Oldenburg, R. L. Blackmon and J. M. Sierchio. "Magnetic and plasmonic contrast agents in optical coherence tomography." IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, Special Issue on Nanobiophotonics, 22(4):6803913 (2016).

  31. A. L. Oldenburg, X. Yu, T. Gilliss, O. Alabi, R. Taylor and M. Troester. "Inverse power-law behavior of cellular motility reveals stromal-epithelial interactions in 3D co-culture by OCT fluctuation spectroscopy." Optica, 2:877-885 (2015). Supplementary File, Visualization 1, Visualization 2.

  32. C. R. Krebs, L. Li, A. S. Wolberg and A. L. Oldenburg. "A portable plasma clot micro-elastometry device based on resonant acoustic spectroscopy." Review of Scientific Instruments, 86:075005 (2015).

  33. R. K. Chhetri, R. L. Blackmon, W.-C. Wu, D. B. Hill, B. Button, P. Casbas-Hernandez, M. A. Troester, J. B. Tracy and A. L. Oldenburg. "Probing biological nanotopology via diffusion of weakly constrained plasmonic nanorods with optical coherence tomography." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111:E4289-E4297 (2014). Supplementary Data.

  34. K. Wijesundara, C. Zdanski, J. Kimbell, H. Price, N. Iftimia and A. L. Oldenburg. "Quantitative upper airway endoscopy with swept-source anatomical optical coherence tomography." Biomedical Optics Express, 5:788-799 (2014).

  35. A. G. Pope, G. Wu, F. Y. McWhorter, E. P. Merricks, T. C. Nichols, T. J. Czernuszewicz, C. M. Gallippi and A. L. Oldenburg. "Contrast-enhanced imaging of SPIO-labeled platelets using magnetomotive ultrasound." Physics in Medicine and Biology, 58:7277-7290 (2013). Supplementary Data.

  36. P. Casbas-Hernandez, M. D'Arcy, E. Roman-Perez, H. A. Brauer, K. McNaughton, S. M. Miller, R. K. Chhetri, A. L. Oldenburg, J. M. Fleming, K. D. Amos, L. Makowski and M. A. Troester. "Role of HGF in epithelial-stromal cell interactions during progression from benign breast disease to ductal carcinoma in situ." Breast Cancer Research, 15:R82 (2013).

  37. A. L. Oldenburg, R. K. Chhetri, J. M. Cooper, W.-C. Wu, M. A. Troester, and J. B. Tracy. "Motility-, autocorrelation-, and polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography disciminates cells and gold nanorods within 3D tissue cultures." Optics Letters, 38(15):2923-2926 (2013).

  38. G. Wu, C. R. Krebs, F.-C. Lin, A. S. Wolberg, and A. L. Oldenburg. "High sensitivity micro-elastometry: Applications in blood coagulopathy." Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 41(10):2120-2129 (2013). Supplementary Data.

  39. R. K. Chhetri, Z. F. Phillips, M. A. Troester, and A. L. Oldenburg. "Longitudinal study of mammary epithelial and fibroblast co-cultures using optical coherence tomography reveals morphological hallmarks of pre-malignancy." PLoS One, 7(11):e49148 (2012). Supplementary Data.

  40. A. L. Oldenburg, R. K. Chhetri, D. B. Hill, and B. Button. "Monitoring airway mucus flow and ciliary activity with optical coherence tomography." Biomedical Optics Express, 3(9):1978-1992 (2012). Video 1, Video 2, Video 3, Video 4, Video 5, Video 6, Video 7.

  41. K. D. Mohan and A. L. Oldenburg. "Elastography of soft materials and tissues by holographic imaging of surface acoustic waves." Optics Express, 20(17):18887-18897 (2012). Video 1, Video 2, Video 3, Video 4, Video 5, Video 6, Video 7, Video 8, Video 9, Video 10, Video 11.

  42. G. R. Wilkins, O. M. Houghton and A. L. Oldenburg. "Automated segmentation of intraretinal cystoid fluid in optical coherence tomography." IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 54(4):1109-1114 (2012).

  43. (Invited) A. L. Oldenburg, G. Wu, D. Spivak, F. Tsui, A. S. Wolberg and T. H. Fischer. "Imaging and elastometry of blood clots using magnetomotive optical coherence tomography and labeled platelets." IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 18(3):1100-1109 (2012).

  44. S. Li, K. D. Mohan, W. W. Sanders and A. L. Oldenburg. "Toward soft-tissue elastography using digital holography to monitor surface acoustic waves." Journal of Biomedical Optics, 16(11):116005 (2011).

  45. K. E. Roskov, K. A. Kozek, W.-C. Wu, R. K. Chhetri, A. L. Oldenburg and J. B. Tracy. "Long-range alignment of gold nanorods in electrospun polymer nano/microfibers." Langmuir, 27:13965-13969 (2011).

  46. A. C. Sullivan, J. P. Hunt and A. L. Oldenburg. "Fractal analysis for classification of breast carcinoma in optical coherence tomography." Journal of Biomedical Optics, 16(6):040903 (2011).

  47. R. K. Chhetri, K. A. Kozek, A. C. Johnston-Peck, J. B. Tracy and A. L. Oldenburg. "Imaging three-dimensional rotational diffusion of plasmon-resonant gold nanorods using polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography." Physical Review E, 83(R):040903 (2011).

  48. M. S. Shore, J. Wang, A. C. Johnston-Peck, A. L. Oldenburg and J. B. Tracy. "Synthesis of Au(Core)/Ag(Shell) nanoparticles and their conversion to AuAg alloy nanoparticles." Small, 7(2):230-234 (2011).

  49. A. L. Oldenburg, C. M. Gallippi, F. Tsui, T. C. Nichols, K. N. Beicker, R. K. Chhetri, D. Spivak, A. Richardson and T. H. Fischer. "Magnetic and contrast properties of labeled platelets for magnetomotive optical coherence tomography." Biophysical Journal, 99(7):2374-2383 (2010).

  50. R. John, R. Rezaeipoor, S. G. Adie, E. J. Chaney, A. L. Oldenburg, M. Marjanovic, J. P. Haldar, B. Sutton and S. A. Boppart. "In vivo magnetomotive optical molecular imaging using targeted magnetic nanoprobes." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107(18):8085-8090 (2010). Supporting Information.

  51. A. L. Oldenburg and S. A. Boppart. "Resonant acoustic spectroscopy of soft tissues using embedded magnetomotive nanotransducers and optical coherence tomography." Physics in Medicine and Biology 55(4):1189-1201 (2010).

  52. V. Crecea, A. L. Oldenburg, X. Liang, T. S. Ralston and S. A. Boppart. "Magnetomotive nanoparticle transducers for optical rheology of viscoelastic materials." Optics Express 17(25):23114-23122 (2009).

  53. R. Rezaeipoor, R. John, S. G. Adie, E. J. Chaney, M. A. Marjanovic, A. L. Oldenburg, S. A. Rinne and S. A. Boppart. "Fc-directed antibody conjugation of magnetic nanoparticles for enhanced molecular targeting." J. Innov. Opt. Health Sci. 2(4):387-396 (2009).

  54. A. L. Oldenburg, M. N. Hansen, T. S. Ralston, A. Wei, and S. A. Boppart. "Imaging gold nanorods in excised human breast carcinoma by spectroscopic optical coherence tomography." Journal of Materials Chemistry 19:6407-6411 (2009).

  55. R. Rezaeipoor, E. J. Chaney, A. L. Oldenburg and S. A. Boppart. "Expression order of alpha_v and beta_3 integrin subunits in the N-methyl-N-nitrosourea-induced rat mammary tumor model." Cancer Invest 27(5):496-503 (2009).

  56. A. L. Oldenburg, V. Crecea, S. A. Rinne and S. A. Boppart. "Phase-resolved magnetomotive OCT for imaging nanomolar concentrations of magnetic nanoparticles in tissues." Optics Express 16(15):11525-11539 (2008).

  57. X. Liang, A. L. Oldenburg, V. Crecea, E. J. Chaney and S. A. Boppart. "Optical micro-scale mapping of dynamic biomechanical tissue properties." Optics Express 16(15):11052-11065 (2008).

  58. (Invited) A. L. Oldenburg, C. Xu and S. A. Boppart. "Spectroscopic optical coherence tomography and microscopy." IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, special issue on Biophotonics, 13(6):1629-1640 (2007).

  59. (Invited) A. M. Zysk, F. T. Nguyen, A. L. Oldenburg, D. L. Marks and S. A. Boppart. "Optical coherence tomography: A review of clinical development from bench to bedside." Special section on optical diagnostic imaging from bench to bedside, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 12(5):051403 (2007).

  60. W. Tan, A. L. Oldenburg, J. J. Normal, T. A. Desai and S. A. Boppart. "Optical coherence tomography of cell dynamics in three-dimensional tissue models." Optics Express 14(16):7159-7171 (2006).

  61. A. L. Oldenburg, M. N. Hansen, D. A. Zweifel, A. Wei and S. A. Boppart. "Plasmon-resonant gold nanorods as low backscattering albedo contrast agents for optical coherence tomography." Optics Express 14(15):6724-6738 (2006).

  62. A. L. Oldenburg, F. Jean-Jacques Toublan, K. S. Suslick, A. Wei and S. A. Boppart. "Magnetomotive contrast for in vivo optical coherence tomography." Optics Express 13(17):6597-6614 (2005).

  63. (Invited) S. A. Boppart, A. L. Oldenburg, C. Xu and D. L. Marks. "Optical probes and techniques for molecular contrast enhancement in coherence imaging." Journal of Biomedical Optics 10(4):041208-1-14 (2005).

  64. W. Luo, F. T. Nguyen, A. M. Zysk, T. S. Ralston, J. Brockenbrough, D. L. Marks, A. L. Oldenburg and S. A. Boppart. "Optical biopsy of lymph node morphology using optical coherence tomography." Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment 4(5):539-547 (2005).

  65. A. L. Oldenburg, J. R. Gunther and S. A. Boppart. "Imaging magnetically labelled cells with magnetomotive optical coherence tomography." Optics Letters 30(7):747-749 (2005).

  66. A. Senin, H. C. Tran, J. Gao, Z. H. Lu, C. J. Zhu, A. L. Oldenburg, J. R. Allen and J. G. Eden. "Molecular dissociation observed with an atomic wavepacket and parametric four-wave mixing." Chemical Physics Letters 381:53-59 (2003).

  67. A. L. Oldenburg, J. J. Reynolds, D. L. Marks and S. A. Boppart. "Fast Fourier-domain delay line for in vivo optical coherence tomography using a polygonal scanner." Applied Optics-OT 42(22):4606-4611 (2003).

  68. T.-M. Lee, A. L. Oldenburg, S. Sitafalwalla, D. L. Marks, W. Luo, F. Jean-Jacques Toublan, K. S. Suslick and S. A. Boppart. "Engineered microsphere contrast agents for optical coherence tomography." Optics Letters 28(17):1546-1548 (2003).

  69. D. L. Marks, A. L. Oldenburg, J. J. Reynolds and S. A. Boppart. "Autofocus algorithm for dispersion correction in optical coherence tomography." Applied Optics-OT 42(16):3038-3046 (2003).

  70. D. L. Marks, A. L. Oldenburg, J. J. Reynolds and S. A. Boppart. "Digital algorithm for dispersion correction in optical coherence tomography for homogeneous and stratified media." Applied Optics-IP 42(2):204-217 (2003).

  71. D. L. Marks, A. L. Oldenburg, J. J. Reynolds and S. A. Boppart. "Study of an ultrahigh-numerical-aperture fiber continuum generation source for optical coherence tomography." Optics Letters 27(22):2010-2012 (2002).

  72. A. L. Oldenburg, P. C. John and J. G. Eden. "Vibrational wave packets in the B1Πu and D1Σu+ states of Cs2: Determination of improved Cs2+(X) and Cs2(B) spectroscopic constants." Journal of Chemical Physics 113(24):11009-18 (2000).

  1. A. L. Oldenburg, P. Ji, X. Yu and L. Yang. "Temporal non-uniform compressive sampling for dynamic optical coherence tomography." Optica Open. Preprint. (2023).

Book Chapters & Trade Journals
  1. L. Chin, P. Wijesinghe, A. L. Oldenburg and B. F. Kennedy. "Optical coherence elastography techniques." In Optical Coherence Elastography: Imaging Tissue Mechanics on the Micro-Scale, B. F. Kennedy, ed., AIP Publishing, Chapter 6, pp. 6-1 - 6-34 (2021).

  2. A. L. Oldenburg, B. E. Applegate, J. M. Tucker-Schwartz, M. C. Skala, J. Kim, and S. A. Boppart. "Molecular contrast optical coherence tomography." In Optical Coherence Tomography: Technology and Applications, 2nd edition, W. Drexler and J. G. Fujimoto, eds., Springer (2016).

  3. B. F. Kennedy, K. M. Kennedy, A. L. Oldenburg, S. G. Adie, S. A. Boppart, and D. D. Sampson. "Optical Coherence Elastography." In Optical Coherence Tomography: Technology and Applications, 2nd edition, W. Drexler and J. G. Fujimoto, eds., Springer (2016).

  4. N. V. Iftimia, L. Milane, A. L. Oldenburg and M. Amiji. "Nanotechnology approaches to contrast enhancement in optical imaging and disease-targeted therapy." In Advances in Optical Imaging for Clinical Medicine, N. V. Iftimia, W. R. Brugge and D. X. Hammer, eds., Wiley, Ch. 16, pp. 455-504 (2011).

  5. A. L. Oldenburg, B. E. Applegate, J. A. Izatt and S. A. Boppart. "Molecular OCT contrast enhancement and imaging." Optical Coherence Tomography: Technology and Applications, W. Drexler and J. G. Fujimoto, eds., Ch. 24, Springer (2008).

  6. A. L. Oldenburg and S. A. Boppart. "Optically pinpointing magnetic nanoparticles within biological tissue." Optics & Photonics News 17(12):24 (2006).

  7. A. L. Oldenburg and S. A. Boppart. "Optical coherence tomography." 2005 McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology (2005).

  8. A. L. Oldenburg and J. G. Eden. "Generation of coherent ultraviolet and vacuum ultraviolet radiation by nonlinear processes in intense optical fields." Ultraviolet Spectroscopy, P. Misra and M. A. Dubinskii, eds. (Marcel Dekker, New York), pp. 371-396 (2001).
Public Press
  1. "All that glitters is... slimy? Gold nanoparticles measure the stickiness of snot" Phys.Org News Article, Oct. 9, 2014.

  2. "Platelet imaging can enable detection of blood clots in vivo," MedicalPhysics Web News Article, Oct. 14, 2013.

  3. "University of North Carolina uses OCT to Study Breast Cancer Morphology," OCTNews Feature of the Week, Feb. 24, 2013.

  4. "Monitoring mucus flow," Nature Photonics, vol. 6, pp. 637, 2012.

  5. "Contrast to Labeled Platelets with Magnetomotive OCT for Detecting Vascular Damage," OCTNews Feature of the Week, Nov. 27, 2010.
  1. A. L. Oldenburg, S. A. Boppart, V. Crecea and X. Liang. "Magnetomotive optical coherence tomography." Patent 7,751,057 issued July 6, 2010.
Conference Proceedings
  1. S. Balakrishnan, R. Bu, H. Price, C. Zdanski and A. L. Oldenburg. "Multi-modal anatomical optical coherence tomography and CT for in vivo dynamic upper airway imaging." Proc. SPIE 10039, 1003907 (2017).

  2. M. Hossain, D. Thapa, J. Sierchio, A. Oldenburg, and C. Gallippi. "Blind source separation-based motion detector for sub-micrometer, periodic displacement in ultrasonic imaging." IEEE Int. Symp. Proc. (2016).

  3. R. Blackmon, S. M. Kreda, P. R. Sears, L. E. Ostrowski, D. B. Hill, B. S. Chapman, J. B. Tracy and A. L. Oldenburg. "Diffusion-sensitive optical coherence tomography for real-time monitoring of mucus thinning treatments." Proc. SPIE 9697, 969724 (2016).

  4. R. Bu, H. Price, S. Mitran, C. Zdanski and A. L. Oldenburg. "Swept-source anatomic optical coherence elastography of porcine trachea." Proc. SPIE 9689, 968921 (2016).

  5. R. Blackmon, B. Chapman, J. B. Tracy, R. Sandhu, M. Troester and A. L. Oldenburg. "Spatially-resolved ECM nanotopology via gold nanorod diffusion mapping using polarization-sensitive OCT." In Frontiers in Optics Conference 2015, OSA Technical Digest, paper FW4E.2 (2015).

  6. X. Yu, R. Blackmon, P. Casbas-Hernandez, M. A. Troester and A. L. Oldenburg. "OCT-based quantification of the effect of a drug on the motility of mammary organoids." In Frontiers in Optics Conference 2015, OSA Technical Digest, paper FW4E.2 (2015).

  7. R. Blackmon, R. Chhetri, D. Hill, B. Button and A. L. Oldenburg. "Imaging gold nanorods diffusion in mucus using polarization sensitive OCT." In Frontiers in Optics Conference 2014, OSA Technical Digest, paper FTu5F.2 (2014).

  8. K. Wijesundara, N. Iftimia and A. L. Oldenburg. "Design of a swept-source, anatomical OCT system for pediatric bronchoscopy." Proc. SPIE 8571, 85713K (2013).

  9. R. K. Chhetri and A. L. Oldenburg. "Optical coherence microrheology using spherical and rod-like microrheological probes." Frontiers in Optics, OSA Technical Digest, FTu4E.3 (2012).

  10. A. L. Oldenburg. "Imaging traveling surface acoustic waves on tissue using holgraphic interferometry." Frontiers in Optics, OSA Technical Digest, FTu3A.4 (2012).

  11. A. L. Oldenburg, R. K. Chhetri, B. M. Button, D. B. Hill and R. C. Boucher. "Dynamic imaging of in vitro human airway epithelium using optical coherence tomography." Biomedical Optics, OSA Technical Digest, BTu4B.6 (2012).

  12. K. D. Mohan, W. W. Sanders and A. L. Oldenburg. "Elastic depth profiling of soft tissue by holographic imaging of surface acoustic waves." Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging, OSA Technical Digest, DSu4C.5 (2012).

  13. G. Wu, A. S. Wolberg and A. L. Oldenburg. "Validation study toward measuring the mechanical properties of blood clots using resonant acoustic spectroscopy with optical vibrometry." Proc. SPIE 8213, 82131N (2012).

  14. A. L. Oldenburg, D. Spivak, F. Tsui and T. H. Fischer. "Optimizing magnetomotive contrast of SPIO-labeled platelets for thrombosis imaging in optical coherence tomography." Proc. SPIE 8214, 82140G (2012).

  15. (Invited) A. L. Oldenburg. "Optical coherence microrheology: Imaging tissue viscoelastic properties." Frontiers in Optics, OSA Technical Digest, FTuC2 (2011).

  16. R. K. Chhetri, K. Kozek, A. Johnston-Peck, J. B. Tracy, and A. L. Oldenburg. "Plasmonic gold nanorods for depth-resolved viscosity in polarization-sensitive OCT." OSA Technical Digest, OMB3 (2011).

  17. A. C. Sullivan, J. P. Hunt, and A. L. Oldenburg. "Fractal analysis of optical coherence tomography of normal and malignant breast tissue." Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 56(2), (2011).

  18. A. L. Oldenburg, R. K. Chhetri, K. A. Kozek, A. C. Johnston-Peck, and J. B. Tracy. "Rotational diffusion of plasmon-resonant gold nanorods for depth-resolved microrheology using optical coherence tomography." Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 56(2), (2011).

  19. V. Crecea, S. G. Adie, A. L. Oldenburg, R. John, and S. A. Boppart. "Optical measurements of mechanical resonances in biological tissues via magnetic nanoparticle interrogation." Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 56(2), (2011).

  20. S. Li and A. L. Oldenburg. "Measuring soft tissue elasticity by monitoring surface acoustic waves using image plane digital holography." Proc. SPIE 79652M (2011).

  21. A. L. Oldenburg and R. K. Chhetri. "Digital dispersion compensation for ultrabroad-bandwidth single-camera spectral-domain polarization-sensitive OCT." Proc. SPIE 78891V (2011).

  22. A. L. Oldenburg, T. H. Fischer, T. C. Nichols, C. M. Gallippi, R. K. Chhetri, and F. Tsui. "Contrast to labeled rehydrated, lyophilized platelets using magnetomotive OCT." OSA Technical Digest, BSuF5 (2010).

  23. A. L. Oldenburg, T. H. Fischer, and C. M. Gallippi. "Imaging contrast and biomechanics using optical coherence tomography to sense superparamagnetic iron oxide labeled platelets." Biophysical Journal 98, 3(S1), 744a-745a (2010).

  24. R. K. Chhetri, J. Carpenter, R. Superfine, S. H. Randell, and A. L. Oldenburg. "Magnetomotive optical coherence elastography for relating lung structure and function in Cystic Fibrosis." Proc. SPIE 7554, 755420-1 (2010).

  25. F. T. Nguyen, E. M. Dibbern, E. J. Chaney, A. L. Oldenburg, K. S. Suslick and S. A. Boppart. "Magnetic protein microspheres as dynamic contrast agents for magnetomotive optical coherence tomoraphy." Proc. SPIE 68670F (2008).

  26. A. L. Oldenburg, M. N. Hansen, A. Wei and S. A. Boppart. "Plasmon-resonant gold nanorods provide spectroscopic OCT contrast in excised human breast tumors." Proc. SPIE 68670E (2008).

  27. A. L. Oldenburg, V. Crecea, S. A. Rinne, R. Rezaeipoor, E. J. Chaney and S. A. Boppart. "Spectral-domain magnetomotive OCT imaging of magnetic nanoparticle biodistribution." Proc. SPIE 684719 (2008).

  28. X. Liang, A. L. Oldenburg, V. Crecea, S. Kalyanam, M. F. Insana and S. A. Boppart. "Modeling and measurement of tissue elastic moduli using optical coherence elastography." Proc. SPIE 685803 (2008).

  29. A. L. Oldenburg, M. N. Hansen, A. Wei and S. A. Boppart. "Backscattering albedo contrast in OCT using plasmon-resonant gold nanorods." Proc. SPIE 64291Z (2007).

  30. V. Crecea, A. L. Oldenburg, T. S. Ralston and S. A. Boppart, "Phase-resolved spectral-domain magnetomotive optical coherence tomography." Proc. SPIE 64291X (2007).

  31. A. L. Oldenburg, W. Luo and S. A. Boppart. "High-resolution in vivo nanoparticle imaging using magnetomotive optical coherence tomography." Proc. SPIE 609702 (2006).

  32. F. T. Nguyen, W. Luo, A. M. Zysk, T. S. Ralston, E. J. Chaney, D. L. Marks, A. L. Oldenburg, J. Brockenbrough and S. A. Boppart. "Three-dimensional visualization of lymph node morphology using OCT." Biomedical Optics Conference, Paper SH2 (2006).

  33. A. L. Oldenburg, D. A. Zweifel, C. Xu, A. Wei and S. A. Boppart. "Characterization of plasmon-resonant gold nanorods as near-infrared optical contrast agents investigated using a double-integrating sphere system." Proc. SPIE, 5703 pp. 50-60 (2005).

  34. A. L. Oldenburg, J. R. Gunther, F. Toublan, D. L. Marks, K. S. Suslick and S. A. Boppart. "Magnetic contrast agents for optical coherence tomography." Proc. SPIE 5316, pp. 91-98 (2004).

  35. A. L. Oldenburg, F. J.-J. Toublan, C. Xu, W. Luo, G. R. Najarro, J. R. Gunther, K. L. Watkin, A. Wei, K. S. Suslick and S. A. Boppart. "In vivo detection of exogenous contrast agents using optical coherence tomography." Biomedical Topical Meeting, Paper SG2 (2004).

  36. C. J. Zhu, Z. H. Lu, A. A. Senin, J. R. Allen, A. L. Oldenburg, J. Gao and J. G. Eden. "Competition between quantum beatings at 608 cm-1 and 70 cm-1 in Rb observed by Parametric Four Wave Mixing." International Quantum Electronics Conference (IQEC) Paper IMH3 (2004).

  37. A. L. Oldenburg, J. R. Gunther, F. Jean-Jacques Toublan, D. L. Marks, K. S. Suslick and S. A. Boppart. "Selective OCT imaging of cells using magnetically-modulated optical contrast agents." Conference for Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore (CLEO), Paper CMBB2 (2003).

  38. A. L. Oldenburg, S.-J. Moon, K. M. Kasi, T. Kim, C. Ho, R. Timp, H. Choi, V. I Gelfand, J. Roland, K. Kim, S. A. Boppart and G. L. Timp. "Optical manipulation of silicon microparticles in biological environments." Proc. SPIE 4962, pp. 249-255 (2003).

  39. T.-M. Lee, F. Toublan, A. L. Oldenburg, S. Sitafalwalla, W. Luo, D. L. Marks, K. S. Suslick and S. A. Boppart. "Optical characterization of contrast agents for optical coherence tomography." Proc. SPIE 4967, pp. 129-134 (2003).

  40. A. L. Oldenburg, J. C. Selby, S. A. Boppart, and T. E. Eurell. "Three-dimensional laser micromachining and imaging of biocompatible polymers" Biomedical Topical Meeting. Paper TuD25 (2002).

  41. A. L. Oldenburg and J. G. Eden. "Wavepacket dynamics and time-domain spectroscopy in atomic rubidium." Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference 1999, Technical Digest, pp. 176 (1999).

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